百般無賴的城市中,平凡淡然的人生,家中的狗是專職主婦的媽媽唯一可以真心對話的對象。某一天狗走失後再返家,卻開始不說話了。試圖尋求狗不說話的原因的過程中,媽媽被迫面對過往記憶的傷痛、現實生活中與丈夫若即若離的關係、與女兒兒子之間的疏離、與「好友」青光眼之間的曖昧情感…。看似平和的生活出現裂痕,伴隨著悲哀與孤寂的不安衝破裂痕壟罩媽媽的生活,一趟奇幻而無人知曉的心靈旅程隨之展開。 Dog, which is the only one Mother can talk with at home. However, everything changes after Dog is missing for two weeks. When Dogs comes back, it does not talk anymore. Trying to find the reason why Dog does not talk with her, Mother is forced to face the reality- broken family relationship with her husband and stepchildren and her desire for being loved. Mother is in the depths of fragility, loneliness and horrors. Mother starts to find a way to fix the relationship and also find herself a way out. 以清淡精省的文字寫出現代人家庭關係的疏離以及對寵物的依賴。作者以第三者的角度書寫,文中登場的人物都沒有名字,只以代名詞「媽媽」、「爸爸」、「兒子」、「女兒」、「狗」來稱呼,帶著冷冽的風格,客觀點出家庭之間的疏離感;擬人化後會說話的「狗」則是點出溝通的鴻溝,越是親近的人則越可能因為不想打壞彼此之間的關係而寧願選擇沉默,你我或是身邊的親朋好友,是否都是如此呢?